Sponsor A Child

Sponsor a Child

Your monthly support of $40 CAD for sponsorship provides the opportunity for your sponsored child to have an education, access to healthcare and experience God's love.
To search for a child, select your criteria below and press the apply button or leave fields for a broader search. Thank you for sponsoring a child!

Hello! My name is Yosith and I live in Panadura, Sri Lanka. I am 4 years old and I attend Preschool. I love to play with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Sinhala Language. At home I live with my mother, grandmother, and siblings and help out by sweeping the house.
Hello! My name is Darina and I live in Sri Lanka.I am 7 years old and attend the Ramanadan Girls’ School. I love to study and to dance and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home, I live with my parents and siblings and help out by washing dishes and sweeping the house.
Zoe Sharlyn
Hello! My name is Zoe and I live in the town of Santa Catarina Pinula in Guatemala. I am 6 years old and attend the Kairos Christian School. I love to paint and play soccer, and my favourite subject at school is Language. At home I live with my parents and sister, and I help out by washing dishes and sweeping the floor.
Samuel Alexander
Hello! My name is Samuel and I live in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. I am 6 years old and attend the Gerizim Christian School. I love to paint and play with cars. My favourite subject at school is English. At home, I live with my family and help by picking up toys and feeding my dog. I think the best words to describe me are polite and kind and I like to share.
Hello! My name is Daylenie and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 9 years old and attend the John Calvin Christian School. I love playing with my friends. My favourite subject at school is Math. At home I live with my parents, and I help out by cleaning the floor and washing the dishes.
Hello! My name is Jeison and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 8 years old and attend the John Calvin Christian School. I love to play at pretending to be a doctor. My favourite subject at school is Science. At home, I live with my parents and my siblings. I help at home by sweeping the floor and making my bed.
Hello! My name is Youdens and I live in Haiti, near Gonaïves, in Bas-Andre. I am 6 years old and attend the Philippe Guerrier Institution of Bas-Andre. I love to play soccer with my friends and my favourite subject at school is learning to write. At home, I live with my family and help out by hauling water.
Hello! My name is Nelkilove and I live in Haiti, near Gonaïves, in Bas-Andre. I am 4 years old and attend the Philippe Guerrier Institution of Bas-Andre. I love to run with my friends and my favourite subject at preschool is learning to write. At home, I live with my family and help them by sweeping the floor.
Brasely lives in Busamo, a village in western Kenya. She is 5 years old and attends the Mawazo Child Care Centre. Brasely loves to play with playdough and her favourite subject at school is Environmental Science. At home she helps her family by washing dishes and collecting firewood.
Elizabeth lives in a village near Kisumu in western Kenya. She is 2 years old and attends the Mawazo Child Care Centre. Elizabeth loves colouring and her favourite activity at preschool is Art. At home she helps her family by cleaning utensils.


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